About Us

Legal Advisors, Corporate Law, Litigation & Family Legacy

About Adams & Marshall

As a law firm we are old fashioned in our belief that the practice of law is an honourable profession.

That as legal counsel we are officers of the Court and the law.

That the law inextricably enfolds every person from birth to death , every business from inception registration and growth to ultimate success.

That how we perform our duties as legal counsel has a real impact on the lives, and livelihood, of people around us.

Each day is a new opportunity to be a bit better. It is what we do each day that matters.

One client at a time, one case at a time, we strive to ensure justice be done, with good for all concerned. In doing so we make the world around us just a little better, a little more kind.

We have found it is often the most financially poor persons who desperately need the best legal help but who can least afford it. So we do handle cases pro bono publico. This is made possible only due to our paying clients. We thank each of you.

As a Firm we are inspired by Tony Robbin’s (https://www.tonyrobbins.com/} to adopt the following as our guiding standards:

LEAD , not follow

CREATE , not destroy

HELP, not hinder

In our dealings with our clients and among our own team members, we adopt Rotary International’s 4 Way Test {https://my.rotary.org/en/guiding-principles) as our guiding tenets:

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?


Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

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We pride ourselves in building real relationships with our clients and partnering with them for the long-haul.

Contact details

Address: No.1 Wallich Street

#14-01 Guoco Tower

Singapore 078881

Number : +65 9150 8208

Email: info@adamsnmarshall.com

Mon to Fri: 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM

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